Make Hope

What it Is
The Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer is a massive landmark currently being built in the center of the UK. This enormous symbol of hope will feature a million stories of answered prayers, making it the world's largest collection of hope-filled experiences.

What it Does
Every brick will share a personal story of how God answered a prayer for someone at some point in their lives, providing a vast range of experiences illustrating how God has supported people during difficult times throughout history; each being searchable by topic.

The Purpose
The Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer will celebrate Jesus' miraculous and loving nature in a publically visible and astounding fashion, and we sincerely believe that the one million testimonies will inspire faith and confidence in the power of prayer at a global level.

Share your
Answered Prayer
Your answered prayer may be the very thing someone needs to hear. Make hope visible!
Choose a tab below to see some samples of answered prayers that others have submitted. These examples are just that, and not intended to be a template or guide. You can submit any answered prayer you wish, and any length.
In 2014 I dropped out of school. Frustrated, hopeless, no job, rejection, depression, all in. Nothing was working. I fasted and prayed, got back to school, graduated and today am happy, working and living an ever growing and fulfilled life. Indeed my redeemer lives.
My daughter suffered regular nightmares and night terrors for many years, starting when she was only about 18 months old. I came to Jesus when she was five and I decided to say a prayer with her each night to ask Jesus to fill her sleep with peaceful dreams. After one week her nightmares had completely stopped and she was sleeping soundly through the night, every night. We still pray together each night and we are so grateful to Jesus for helping her.
I had seen people prayed for when they had a limb shorter than the other (and seen the limbs grow) but never dared to risk praying for something like that myself; but in the ’80s, we had moved and become involved in a new church which we helped to lead. My wife had damaged her back lifting an old man in whose house we were living. Now she had put her back out again and was in considerable pain.
I was teaching in school and arrived home tired and feeling anything but filled with the Spirit. I asked how her back was and she said it was agonising and she wondered if she had one leg shorter than the other. I gulped because it meant I would have to pray for her!
We checked her legs carefully (backside up against the back of a chair and her legs lifted up; standing on a book with each foot in turn). Her right leg was about an inch shorter than the left. I closed my eyes because I didn’t dare look and prayed, ‘Lord, You know I haven’t got the faith for this but it’s over to You. Please equalize the legs’. There was a movement and they were the same length! That was in fact the sacroiliac joint going back silently. Over the next months, it went out a few more times, but every time we prayed, it went back.
Over the next few years I prayed for a few other people and they were all healed. I have no idea what was the actual healing with each, but they all had legs lengthened.
A few years after this, I was visiting an elderly lady in the church and her adult daughter was there. She told me that she was having problems with her dancing lessons as one leg was shorter than the other. The doctor had told her the only solution was to cut an inch out of her left leg. I was more confident now, so, although she wasn’t a Christian, I told her she didn’t have to do that – God could heal her. She looked surprised but agreed for me to pray. We checked her legs in the same way and I prayed (with my eyes open). Her leg grew in front of my eyes! This was not a joint going back – the leg grew. Her dance teacher immediately noticed the difference. It has been healed ever since.
As a science teacher, I wonder how this could happen but I am also grateful that God is able to go beyond science and perform wonders.
FAQs for Answered Prayer Submissions
Can I have more than one brick in the Eternal Wall?
Of course. God does not restrict his answered prayers to one per person, so we don't want to either. If God has moved miraculously in multiple areas of your life, then we would be delighted to hear about them all.
Does my answered prayer have to be about healing?
Definitely not. We love hearing answered prayers of healing, but that is just one small way in which Jesus brings His glory into people's lives and answers prayer. We want to hear your testimonies, no matter how small they may seem.
Is there a word limit?
Yes, answered prayers are limited to 500 words. This should be more than enough to input your testimony in detail. If you have multiple facets or answered prayers as part of your testimony that may take more words to write then you can submit multiple testimonies.
The Vision
The Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer will…

Inspire Faith
Visitors to the Eternal Wall will find inspiration in the fact that every single brick represents a story of Jesus answering prayers. Faith or no faith, they are likely to be encouraged by the numerous stories of God transforming situations, and might even feel inspired to try praying for themselves.
Guests will have free access to the amazing database of one million answered prayers. They’ll be able to search for any situation or challenge they might be facing, and find personal stories illustrating how God has answered prayers and supported people around the world throughout history.
The message visitors will hear over and over is that if God has done it before, He will be more than faithful to do it again - even in their own lives. As a result, they will feel their faith strengthened and be encouraged to seek answers from Him.

Offer Hope
Approximately 500,000 visitors will drive past this monument each week, and we estimate that around 200,000 people will visit the site every year.
As visitors explore the answered prayers and grasp the immense scale of what they're witnessing, our fervent prayer is that they'll personally connect with the God who truly answers prayers and offers hope to every person, regardless of their circumstance.

Preserve Stories
Throughout history, God has consistently and powerfully answered people's prayers everywhere, from St. Augustine in the sixth century to more recent times like WWII. During that time, millions lined up outside churches around the world to pray for the soldiers on the beaches of Dunkirk.
The Eternal Wall will include 75,000 "heritage bricks" to commemorate answered prayers dating back to 600 AD, preserving and remembering the ways God has supported people throughout the rich history of mankind.
While it's impossible to predict what culture and society will look like in a hundred years, one thing is sure: the Eternal Wall will still stand tall, offering stories of hope and demonstrating that God answers prayers.
Future visitors at the Eternal Wall will have the unique opportunity to witness the amazing things God has done for us across the centuries, ensuring a lasting legacy of faith and hope in their own lives and on into future generations.
Make Hope Visible
Why Are Answered
prayers Important?
God answers prayers every day. Sometimes the answer is yes, sometimes no. Sometimes the answer is heard and acknowleged, and sometimes completely unnoticed or ignored. All too often, God answers in a way that we don’t even realize it’s Him.